Story Week 2

"Because I just may be bad, but I'm perfectly good at it."
And you want to preach that it's all arrogance, 

He took a deep breath exiting his poshy Uber. His incredible stature, always strong, his utterly disliked attitude clearly in a space he doen't ever want to be in. An all off black suit, likely exclusively tailor made with a gray old school turtleneck protecting his Adam's Apple like products that were rapidly produced and purchased resulting from the player catching a skate up high on the hockey ice a few months back. His wool socks were a playful gray that matched his turtle neck which actually had green turtles specaled across their entirety. I patienctly  walked forward towards the entrance a few small steps and felt a vibration in his fornt right pocket. He clearly didn't want to deal with it, but at this particular point in time he had no choice. He grabs his iPhone, and hoists it to his right ear slowly.


"What?", he says obviously annoyed. It was almost like having to make a trip to the DMV - Department of Motor Vehicles.

The other end speaks. "Are you where you're supposed to be, Saito? I know how you get when it comes to these things." 

Silence came over the scene for a few moments. "Yes. I'm where I'm supposed to be. Your role is to help the longevity of my career, not be my dismissive mother.", Saito says with a smirk while patting his pockets for a cigarette he almost knew he had forgotten.

He knew he was getting older. He knew he was going to have to take better care of what he has left if he wanted to make ANOTHER mark on the sport of professional wrestling. On the the sport of simply being competive.

He painfully accepted that Ultra Combat Sports wasn't just about wrestling, but it was much, much more. In this new world of commonplace in the modern society.. he knew fanbases all across whatever territory you'd like to name would and will always want more.

More. More.

But that's how it's always been, hasn't it? It's never enough. You have to stretch, incredibley bend and unselfishly twirl around your trivial ups and downs while creating a cheerful output that everyone for the most part could appreicate. Yeah, that's always how it's been hasn't it?

Saito moans into the phone and the other line hears him clearly. He looks up to the heavens and thinks about what he's about to do. What he has to do. "Hey, listen, I have to go. I'm here like you wanted me to be, like you asked. Let me go in here and get this over with?", Saito says before hitting the red button on the phone, thus hanging it up.

He puts his phone back in his front right pocket, wipes his brow and decides its time to walk forward. The automatic sliding doors open as they usually do and he parades forward. 


He quickly stops and surveys what's in front of him. To his right is a hurtful child with his head wrapped in bandages. To the immediate left of them is a full family clearly downtrodden for something you could only assume would be an uncrollable grief. To his left again was an younger gentlemen reading Maxim magazine with no care in the world. He looked nervous as if something was going on that could go for the better... or not Child birth or diabetes. Another woman just had a clipboard in her hand filling out whatever I presume they hand you at the front desk.

Saito slowly walks towards said front desk.

"Hey there, how can I help you today?", the receptoinist says as politely as any customer service representative would if hoping to keep his or her job.

"I have an appointment with my doctor in roughly 15 minutes. Is there anything I need to do?" Saito says begrudgingly. He sees a chair at 5 'o clock and heads towards it to sit down.

A good 10 or so minutes pass and a male nurse comes from through a door. "Is there a Saito Goh here? Saito Goh?", he says while looking around with that same fucking clipboard in his hand. Saito raises his left hand. "Yes, I'm here.", Saito says while rasing his hand and standing up.

He walks towards the nurse and follows him back to the room. Saito walks in while being instructed that someone would be with him shortly.

Fast forward to Siato Goh and a doctor for your choice in one of those personal rooms everything typical shares with their preferred whoever.

 The story continues.

"So what have you been doing lately, Saito?", the doctor asks knowing its a loaded question. "I just began wrestling, well fighting again." Saito explains while the doctor judges every single word that came out of his mouth. 

"Well, did you win?", the doctor asks anxiously wanting to know the answer. He stands up after hearing what Saito's concerns were and starts to press places around the back of his head and neck. He then came this face and something made a light bulb appear above his head like old school cartoons.

"Who did you go up against because you clearly have a broken nose.", the doctor says actually wanting to know the answer this time. Saito looks towards a window with its blinds up in the room they occupy. "Mercy Monroe", Saito says in response. He then moves his view from the window and back to the doctor's eyes. "What are we going to do about this? I have another huge fight coming up within the next few days and I need to know how I should approach this." 

The doctor stands up while rolling his eyes. He turns away to the information given into the hospital's database per usual - updating the patient card. He turns back around slowly and says, "There's nothing we can do. Your nose is broken in two places." 

"I don't believe this. Are you saying I can't participate and hold up my end of the obligations?" Saito retorts. "Yes, it wouldn't be a smart move to make.", the doctor says while trying to think of solutions.

"The one thing you have going for you is you've broken your nose before. I've been in your corner for so long that I may be able to find exactly what you need. Your nose needs protection and time away from getting punched or even hit.",
the doctor exclaims with empathy.

"It was a headbutt.", Saito says in shame. "I should've never let any of that happen to begin with."

"And it was by some person called Mercy Monroe?" says the doctor while actually chuckling internally. He couldn't help himself or believe that some person of this name actually crushed his long term patient's nose to this degree. He's been with him through cappable juggernaunts and egnimatic devils and moonwalking  monsters. He said a few more small things to himself and then stepped back into being a professional.

"Saito, you have to promise me you'll wear the mask." Saito rolled his eyes and humbly agreed. "Fine. I'm actually sick of talking about this. Can I go now? We've found a solution." 

Saito quickly stands up and begins to exit, but the humored doctor continues the exchange. "Sure, Saito," the doctor says as he keenfully stares at his patient. "Is there anything else you want to tell me before you go? You know it's my job to make sure you're alright?"

Saito gets half a foot from the door, stares at it for a few and turns around. "She bit the index finger on my hand." Saito again lowers his head in shame as the doctor begins to laugh.  "What do you mean she bit YOU?" the doctor halfheartedly screams. The doctor thinks he can't be serious.

"Okay, Saito, lets do this. Do you face another person that's going to bite you? Please explain."

Saito squirms which is unheard of from him."Yes," he says with the honesty of a math problem.

People seem to think I can't do this. The masses try to comprehend why I am how I am when it comes to the meetings that are to come down the pipe. I am the new age technology needed to create like a Bluetooth connection. I am the ambiguous father of a lot of game changing personalties and comprable loose styles that try their fucking best to be me. UNFORGETTABLE. I honestly see how much they've learned from me.


The now worried doctor moves his hand in a huge way that would motion me over. He takes Saito's hand and begins to wrap it up almost like a prize fighter budding to hold himself to his words. I don't think like you do and I know in my improbable core it has never been about defeating you. It's alwas been about creating a national disaster in your mother's backyard that she cannot escape from. I was toted as the one seed for a reason. Because I don't aim for treason unless properally disrespected.

Saito takes another patented sigh. "I just think she's not on my level. Her name is Stabitha."

"Stabitha? Wow, but let's be honest. You never think anyone is on your level? Even me, and I'm a doctor of 14 years or more, way more..", the doctor says with a unctrollable disbelief. Saito contemplates for a second and thinks of all the times nobody thought he was deserved of anything or had the intellect to suceed in a business he's collectively survived in for far too long.

Saito thinks to himself for a second and says, "Okay, I'll tell you why then."

"I was never the ace until I was the ace and this is the first time I've ever had my finger bitten." Saito speaks with the doctor looking at him with the mood for a perpendicular triangle meaning, his main angle is right.


The doctor grins and explains while grabbing his hand and sniping on making his bitten finger and mauled hand feel better. Appparently, that can hinder your want to grab people. 

I'll continue then while he does that.

Saito moves his hand when he doesn't like the suble pain that comes his way like bills every first of the month to this day. I don't dislike Sabitha at all, but she's not in a position to out-create me. I AM THE GUEST OF HONOR and sometimes, sometimes, sometimes... you have to understand what your real place in all of this is.

Time's up.

"We good, doc?" says Saito while purposely letting the health practicioner be annoyed. Saito knows he is the picture. "Almost done. Tell me what plans you have moving forward please, but understand, you can't compete if you don't operate under the proscripted mask I just got sent next day air to use. So you will have it for whatever squabble you want to if that's what you want. Promise me you will wear it? Your hand is fine now. Minor.", says the doctor. "Just know. You have to take it easy."

Saito says, "The only thing I like over easy is eggs. I understand she's not Mercy Monroe... and yes, she did break my nose in two places, but the DREAMCATCHER always snatches the context that he wants to."

The doctor responds with, "I have no idea what youre talking about. Please stop." I love it when it works. Saito sighs again and nods towards him and gives him a head not as if to say 'we'll see.'

Saito puts on all the rewind of before that happens at a hospital visit and walks towards the exit. He recognizes his experience versus who the competitors claim they are. I'm close to 30 years. Over 15 in this.

Do your best.

"I'm not wearing no fucking mask at all. She will feel me on April 15, and that's all there is to it.," he says while still partially patting his pockets before jumping in the Uber. 

He sits and thinks deeply about what has occured. "Stabitha", I'm sorry. I'm not trying to be rude about it but there is NO WAY you can equal me. Arrogance, sure. Cocky as fuck, sure, but at the same time I've put enough time in this game to help you understand that algebra isn't quantuam physics. I don't even thnk you could actually belive you could deal with the hand you've been dealt when it comes to me. I'm a Royal Flush. I'm the sexual tension you've received when you walked in the door from someone you don't know. I bring sledgehammers to ants that think what they do is going to change me. And all of my aunties and aunts LOVE ME. And please know I did all of this for YOU. 


PS-- thinking of you. His stature, strong, his attitude clearly in a space he dosen't ever want to be in. And when I catch your dreams, don't be intolerable about the fiends that ultimately come my way like job oppurtunities. I am the FLAME that ignites all of this. Sorry, sis, and I promise to give you another shot. You're a Ninja Foodi when you're broke - lets save up and get one next time.


None of this is new to me and that's why you'll always look up to me like a ceiling fan. ALL of you will. 

Now sit back and take a look at the GUEST OF HONOR.

Another.Poor. Girl. 


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