SIATO GOH Application/Bio --- 3/9/24


In Ring Name: SAITO

Given Name: Saito Goh (pronunciation SA-EE-TO GO)


Height: 6' 0"

Weight: 204 lbs.

Pic Base: Katsuyori Shibata

Character Appearance/Attire*

Tell us a little bit about how your character looks beyond the physical resemblance to the pic base and how they dress in and out of the ring:

In Ring: Basic attire to say the least. White towel across left shoulder during entrance. Black trunks, knee pads and boots. Google the pic base.

Out of ring/Interviews: Business. Full black suit, white shirt with a yellow tie. Footwork is dark brown loafers of your choice and the socks match the color of the tie. There can be many variations of this colorway, of course.

Birth Date: 2/3/82; Enough years old.

Origin/Billed From: Orphaned through childhood; Okinawa, Japan since 12 years old; taught the craft from whatever room you're calling from.

Entrance Music: Orchestra instrumental; Danse Macabre (Saint-Saens)

Entrance Details*

Typically, our competitors won't have an entrance and if they do, it will be a simple ring walk to their entrance music. But if there's anything you would like added in, please include it here:

(Lights quickly dim and when everything has turned pitch black, the orchestra's melody paints a mischievous picture over the entire arena. The blend continues to play and once the violins become more aggressive, the lights abruptly turn on showing SAITO at the top of the ramp. He stands in his usual wrestling attire with a small white towel over his left shoulder. He looks from left to right and ventures back before patting his chest two times and looking up to the ceiling. He points the index finger on the hand of his outstretched right arm skyward simultaneously. The takes a deep breath before walking down the ramp comfortably at his own timing and pretentious step. He grips the towel off his shoulder, rolls into the ring and gets to his feet in short order. He tests the ropes a couple times and finds the turnbuckle he's set to come out of. He uses the towel to wipe his face and neck and then drops it to the canvas below his corner. He then squats forward while holding the ropes with his right hand and waits for his opponent(s) to step into his real estate.)

Face/Heel/Neutral: Neutral; Anti-Hero. 

Cheat to win?* Based on your alignment, is your character willing to cheat? If the answer is yes, please include a brief description of how your character might cheat during a match:

Win by any means necessary on/before match deciding pin attempts:

1) A hold of opponents trunks.
2) Feet on bottom rope for leverage during a pin-fall.
3) Low blow. Salute to Chyna. 
4) Will use weapons that can be hidden in trunks or quickly tossed out of the ring when the referee's back is turned, has impaired vision or temporarily unconscious/knocked out completely. Think brass knuckes, chairs, etc.
5) Will also thwart referees from making counts, knock out officials of other combatant's matches if it proves beneficial to what he feels needs to happen in his story. Known to double cross/turn his back on teammates and operates on fight or flight - you choose. Aims to dictate the narrative at every moment he possibly can.

Wrestling Style: Strong.

Basic Moves*
Give us a minimum of 5 moves your character applies during the early stages of matches:

1) Drop kick to knee of choice (Can be done out of any trade with the opponent including the ropes or a collar tie up; A running shoulder to the back of the same knee is a option/follow up if that's the journey that is presented.), followed by the Rings of Saturn if timing permits.
2) Snap DDT (Sits afterwards, points his finger to the sky and slowly goes back to engaging.)
3) Sling Blade (Normally done after bouncing of the ropes 2-3 times during a running exchange.)
4) Eye Poke (Instantly backs up, cockily smirks and puts his hands behind his back as if he's done nothing.)
5) Reeling back on his toes Dragon Sleeper hold to a standing Reverse DDT once/if opponent is close to getting free or an advantage.

Signature Moves *

5 moves maximum: 

1)  "Masterpiece" (Illegal low blow from behind/in front of opponent when the ref isn't looking and/or in an anything goes matchup.)
2)  "Half & Half"(Two Half Nelson suplexes back to back; release/throw opponent the second.)
3) "Phalanx Buster" (Spinning tombstone pile driver; Justin Credible. Taunts afterwards.) 
4) "Saito Cutter" (Inverted Diamond/Kanyon Cutter; We don't do RKOs over here. Can be done from a multitude of postures and positions. You choose again.)
5) "Goh Pro" (Hard sling opponent to turnbuckle/ropes and when they return catch them with a old fashion FLATLINER. Pose afterwards and attempt a nonchalant pin. Opponent normally kicks out.)

Primary Finisher*

Finisher name (Finisher Description): 

DREAMCATCHER (Shooting star senton/Reverse 450 senton - can be done from a plethora of situations. Immediate pin attempt pulling the trunks for leverage to the ref's blind eye.)

Secondary or Desperation Finisher*
Only if applicable:

WIDOWMAKER (Whatever color mood ring color you choose mist to opponent's face/eyes typically followed by:)

1) Rapid inside cradle pin attempt hoping for a quick count, especially if the opponent is too large, heavy and/or exhausted from the duration of the match. Otherwise, Triple H's pedigree.
2) Kick to stomach, posture opponent's body up to deliver a vicious knife edge chop followed pick up and slam. From there SAITO jumps to the top turnbuckle ala RVD, poses with his arms held high with his fists open. Finn Baylor's Coupe de Grace - double stomp from the top ropes. He attempts a pinfall ather gathering himself.

Please list a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 5:

1) Smooth Operator/Clinical; Does a good job of dictating whichever pace he wants during the matches he's in. Knows when to roll out of the ring to get out of danger and buy himself time.
2) Momentum/Continuity; Well versed in stringing 2-3 maneuvers together before releasing the opponent causing impactful damage and straining his or hers stamina. Often uses these moments to catch a breath himself.
3) "Long Haul/Stamina"; Known to significantly improve in performance the longer the contest continues. Endurance is one of his most prestigious traits.
4) "Out of Ring Wizard"; Becomes ecstatic, confident and fully focused on getting the match over with after landing any moon-sault, turnbuckle jump, suicide dive, etc. to the outside of the ring/ring floor.
5) "Mind Games"; Almost always lets go of holds at a four count from the referee. Will use the referee as a shield if possible. Taunts his opponents with smirks, pompous struts and screams "I AM NOT GUEST OF HONOR?" in his very broken English to a booing crowd after a big spot/move or winning sequence. He feeds off being booed and talks down to his opponents, especially when in control of the matchup at hand. Taps his index finger to the side of his head after outsmarting and opponent.

Please list a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 5:

1) Selfish at Best; Hates tag team matches and naturally struggles in brawls, rumbles and situations where it's not a one on one match up. Cautiously wants all the blame/praise on himself only.
2) Known to Tap; Often falls susceptible to submissions, especially when it comes to the arms and head/throat areas.
3) Sensitive; Vulnerable to being questioned or ridiculed on certain topics during a back and forth causing a fit of rage where he potentially goes overboard costing him disqualifications, full direction/concentration and unexpected losses. Also, prone to interfering in other wrestler's matches on pure rage if he's made to feel disrespected, made out to be a fool or underappreciated by staff and/or wrestlers.
4) Grudges/Resentment; Never lets anything go and takes losses to heart in ways he shouldn't. Develops a victim mentality when things don't go his way. A known crybaby in these occurrences.
5) Seeks Approval/Paranoid; Overly suspicious/skeptical thinking everyone is out to get him in a negative fashion. Consistently defensive and standoffish regardless as to what intentions others actually have. Judgmental at the very least but would never admit it.
6)  A Fool's Pride; His injuries have palagued him for years, but he doesn't know how to bottle them up as things that happen to everyone. Terrible knees. Relentless aches in both of his ankles almost at all times. Takes over the counter solutions on a daily basis just to be able to attempt to navigate normalcy. 


Please give us some details on how you would like your character to be portrayed. This will relate to promos and segments out of the ring and winning and losing situations in the ring:

SAITO will operate in serenity to the best of his ability in most cases; in control. If overwhelmed in public debacles, he will walk away to find peace and/or lose. The same will occur during promos and segments unless a weakness above is being exploited.

His age plays a defining role in how he carries himself as he steps into the frame with a vastly different generation than when he started. How his body holds up can definitely be a determining factor in everything goes for him as a competitor.

Deep down, it's KIPPER with much more of drama with the injuries and storylines. He's just a battered older gentleman at this point that feels the actual art of wrestling and sports entertianment has been lost. That being said, he just doesn't care as much as he used to. A gatekeeper if you will, but has no problem participating in the madness. Will always cheat to prove his point at this point.

**If you have any questions in regard to this, please contact us via DM on Twitter/X @HailtheUCS**


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