Christopher, Jason: The Neighborhood Mid


"When duty calls, you make the most of your appearance that eventually carves your legacy. I will NOT disappoint."

The doctor made it very clear that he was disappointed in my want to  still compete at the highest level. He admonished me as if I was a fourth grader that used random crayons and black and red permanent markers to scribble all of the main hallways walls just because I didn't have anything else to do. I know he meant well the entire time, even as a pup, but I distinctly remember doing my best to open my ears and actually listen to what someone else had to say. Most days it was very mundane and basic, but every once in a while he would kick me some knowledge. He's thinking about the career path I openely let it be known  -- I'd want to travel. So my weekly visits always set well, but I knew at the same time there would always be issues or contradictions between my profession and his. I refuse to divulge the name now, but you will know when you know.

Pay attention. 

He felt for my heartbeat with his best intentions and took  my blood pressure while we talked about womens sports and why inflation is the biggest devil of them all. Everything came back clean as he ran through the very much needed procedures he's done every week for at least a year and a half, possibly longer. He had definitely aged some, but a craft is a craft and I'll never argue about something like that.. I valued the doctor's input, but I have always had an assignment to accomplish and that was becoming the best of the best. To be come a world conquerer and thwart the upstart's passion and leave thier lives in ruins like driving when you know you shouldn't and it ending up with a DUI. Experience is everything and I have more than everyone involved. Check the till, count the books. I'm Godzilla with this shit. And I never wanted to be fake or think that I'm better than anybody, but at the same time, maybe its time I start thinking that way. The doc didn't like my premise, but he nodded as he looked up physical therapists to better my chances of being loose when the REAL match actually occurs. 

He types up a bit more and then looks at me for a couple seconds before moving his black tipped glasses off his eyes and down the bridge of his nose.  

"Have you been listening to my advise, Saito?", he says with a stance that makes me feel like he's expecting me to lie. And that's exactly what I did. 


Saito cautiously grins. "Of course I have. The match I had last show was light work. No big bumps and just synchronized swimming with the audience. I promise."

The doctor stands up and looks out the neighboring window into the garden in front of him. We were on the first floor so it did him well. "Then why do I see ovbious scratches and colorful bruises all over you? Was this from the Stabitha person you told me about a few short days ago? I mean, Saito, you have to get a grip on this or you're going to fall down a well you cannot recover from. What is your goal here?"

Saito put this thumb and index finger on the bridge of his nose and bows his head.

He doesn't really want to admit the truth, but realizes he has to if this situation could ever get any better. Even productive and formidable ninjas have limits they have to adhere to to even be on the playground for as long as they have. He knew the younger version of himself didn't have to worry about overly personal inquiries and the elders questioning his intent. But he also knew he STILL had an impossible mission to do without Tom Cruise. No distractions and that includes health.

I mean, after all, he is the GUEST OF HONOR, right? But the doctor isn't trying to hear none of that shit no matter how pretty you make the delivery.. Like, why would he? He's the support system that let me stick around as long as I have. I can't complain, but I still will.

"I participated in a match with Stabitha.", Saito says while looking at the ground like a toddler who's mother found out he broke the vase. He slowly moves his head upright and makes eye contact.

The doctor looks to the left and balances himself over the computer screen in the room they occupy. He comes back and begins to speak casually hoping its more effective. Hoping it actually touches me. "Saito, you do realize your body won't be able to hold up for as long as you want it to, right? Like, can we agree on that part at least?" 

Small pause. 

"I have a match next week, doc. And it's the most important thing I have in my --", as Saito is interrupted by the doctor in the scene. "I don't care who you have a match with at this point. You're my friend, but I'm telling you, I have no idea how you're going to keep this up. To be honest, I saw the show. I witnessed the punishment you took based on the respect I have for you and your unwaivering drive to compete. You took a log roll to the chin last week basically and I know you have Brian Christopher coming up. He's going to be tougher than your former." the doctor says emphatically.

"Actually his name is Jason Christopher and I will be just fine. Just give me what I'm prescribed and I'll be as gorgeous as a bald eagle's wingspan.", Saito said with a smirk.

"Stop it, Saito. I'm not here for the semantics. It's my job to make sure you're safe. That's what we agreed to from the beginning.", the doctor said after taking off his glasses and began cleaning them with a small microfiber cloth to his wants. 

The plot thickens, but just like I tried to tell the most trusted human being I have in this world.. if given the oppurtunity, I have one of the lost stories that always happen when you don't anticipate them. I make more important calls than referees late in a game. I get to dictate the narrative whenever given the chance to. I'm the curse you can't break, Jason. Face it like a mirror after or while brushing your teeth. You're beneath the versatile kings and indifferent queens that were in the first or several locker rooms I had the pleasure of sharing with. Christopher, you're a smudge on a pair of all white shoes to me at this point and all I need to do is make sure I have an old tooth brush and a can of AJAX to deal with the overrated issue you think you are. 

You're the scum field toilet nobody wants to use at the gas station becuase they assume they will catch syphillis. My brand is so far ahead of you when it looks back it sees nothing but fog on the horizon. The experience and technology I throw in this stew will always be a shinobi compared to your simple and vastly novice approach to the game of this business. This is the second time I'm saying this, so I'll keep it short. Either way, there is one thing that continues to bother me.

The fact that they gassed you up to be first up to the guillotine when it comes the the Ultra Combat Sports championshp. I bodied cage matches to get here while you came from the easiest of brackets filled with inVaders you already knew wouldn't have the stamina to complete the hot yoga class they signed up for 8 weeks ago. I honestly don't care, bro, I just want you to listen to the acidic melody infront of you. I promise it will make your ears bleed and the irritating naseau after a long night of indulging yourself a bit too much with your favorite alcoholic beverage. I'm too old for me to sit here and act like I'm something I'm not. That's for you and Faust. 

You two morons need to smile more.

Because, I'm the only one that can make either one of you's dreams come true. It is what it is.

"This isn't and emergency we need to go back and forth about right now in my opinion, doc.", Saito says after his enlongated train of thought. He's looking for an exit strategy at this point. "Can you just give me the usual and agree we can be done with this for right now? I'm sore, but with the prescription, I'll be just fine. Let me get through this next match and we can check back in.", Saito says while still holding the doctor of high regard.

"Fine. Next time will be different though, Saito", the doctor says while typing on the hospital's computer in front of him. "Just grab them on the way out and try your best not to be in a another goddamn cage match. Trust me, I pay attention." The doctor stands up, gives a stern look towards Saito which he gives right back. He then walks out of the room with a level of disfatisfaction I don't even think I could recreate.

Jason Christopher.

The writing is cursively written on the all with proper pronunciation and grammer. THE DREAMCATCHER may have his issues in his personal life, but so does Game Informer. A random gas station's bare counter by the cashier is more interesting than you. And I really don't care about what you had or have going on on the side when it comes to the sport we're talking about. The mix up. The battle. The fucking confrontation.  I'm a very proud man and unfortunately, you won't get to see me ever again after the next show. Deep down, I assumed the inVader would best you to actually give the show something worth watching.

What stipulation would you like? What would tickle your fancy? What winding road would you like us to travel down for you the have the wherewithal to even challenge the MINISTER OF MASTERPIECES? I'll pop all of your balloons on your birthday, buddy. I'll nutmeg you several times when it comes to any event. Your social circle has probably always been failing you. Newflash - they are failing you as we speak. I'll drop you like meatheads growling too hard like their dumbells in the weight room. I'm the only puma in the room, no shoes, lurking in the shadows waiting to see how I'm going to humble you. Completely. Competitively. Completely. You won't be the same after the what may be Ultra Combat Sport's best match thus far.. and we have to share. You can say whatever you want to say at this point, but just know, I'm the cash cow of Ultra Combat Wrestling and I know you and others will hate on the the moral certainsies.


Sit your ass down like a plane is about to take off. No Migos. You'll be causually remembered for the time we spent together. We're about to inscribe the history books and see how you will act with the loss I'm going to hang on your head. I'm determined and wildly focused for a reason I don't know why just yet. I know peices of it. I know what the belevolent mixture I'm creating will look like, but let's just be frank. YOU CANT FUCK WITH ME. I don't clout chase, I just embrace the metropolis that is of the one, the only.. DREAMCATCHER. I'm not an inVader or whoever the fuck you beat before her. I don't have a care in the world to ask my team to explain to me who it was.  

Tickle me pink. 

I arrogantly skywrite while using muscle memory on a balance beam while actively listening to Odesza I discreetly blend and pretentiously climb the primary colors with the minds of made men. I look through microcopes and see purple spaceships betting their chips on how to land beside us. And I know what they are actually looking for. Who are they looking for do you ask, Christopher? ..who they are striving to strategize with? THE FUCKING DREAMCATCHER! Yup, and he's right beside the SINISTER OF A SAURON. The raw authenticity I bring to the table is more important than your cutlery.  You seflishly made your choice, so please don't let your concerns be involved in the championship we are fighting for. The epic match up that everyone wants to see. The History may have benefited you, but did the complete opposite for me. I've said this before, but I'm the start of a new era -- no fitteds. No buillshit. NO ambiguous cameras and social media videos that only help me understand I'm not for the word in front of me anymore. No excuses, bro, just bruises you'll have to painfully accept because deep down you know you could've done much better. So much better. We are just a new grouping of philantripists that understand what their cause and what a morbid  reality actually looks like. 

"I looked in the face of Death and took it's mask off." -- Lil Wayne.

"I'm going to take it easy like you asked me to." Saito says while thinking of the errands he needs to run after this visit. And I know he's right, but I have a goal. And that's first and foremost. This damn doctor.. Shhhhhh, because I honestly don't want to hear it.

"I know this is the last time I'll see you in the next couple of weeks. Just be careful. Your knees and back wont last for much longer.", the doctor pleads because they are good friends.

I'm a damn wizard with this shit, man. It's a hard task to begin with, so  don't think I wont be the solemn tune that causes everyone to tune in. I'm the cash cow... mind you, THE SINISTER OF SAURON. The feared and often repsected obliterator of worlds. I only redicule you, Christopher, because I'm insanely formidable to a level that parts of you either don't want to accept. Or KNOW and decide to be stubbon as an ox. 

And in true form every single time someone's thought they could manage? They figured out quickly what the honey badger is possible of.. Pssst. I'm the one slayer that was voted, passionately asked into legislature. I take my time when I eat hurricanes filled with the violence you guess I'm supposed to be alarmed by. Sigh. When I arrogantly show up, ....folks scatter like kittens when the vacuum just got turned on. I'm quitely fluid and the name you will remember years from now. And I honestl
 of what you could say about me. I don't know you and you don't me, but your premise is just... lame. 

Just restringing my impervious racquet in the world of history. You probably play Pickle Ball too, right? Hmpf. You're going to have to do more. Think of more, something viable to convice me to have to approach you again. Your ad libbed expectations are lofty and your work ethic doesn't give you a chance at the Ultra Combat Sports belt without going through THE GUEST OF HONOR. 


".. let there be no interruptions, only elegance."

Walk with me. I have the specific powers to end century long wars... to look in the cleanest mirror and understand that not eveyone is going to like me. I've made huge jump in the process I've been trying to boogie board on for over 6 years. And then it came ot me - I realized I am the boogy man, Jason Christopher, and you're the in the trivial sights of a BLOODY madman. A lunatic. You doing Kools, Newports or Camels... go for it. And I'll give you a coffin like you've smoke too many cigarettes to begin with.

A smile comes to my face when speaking of you. I look forward to beating you.

Saito Goh. The stolen child, soon to be the golden child. Ciao. 


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