April 15 Smack

You can try your best, but sometimes, just sometimes, it's not the attempt that matters. My history is a non fiction story of incredible themes and memes and chances and advances that didn't come to me just because I showed up. My wants didn't come because I didn't put the work in. My mind steers naval infantries with the consistencies and ballistics of quantum physics. Didn't I say that before? I look at you and see a try-hard trying her best to cleverly sound and be indifferent. But does she know what that word means?

You're not the wave.

You move from an apartment to another. I move historic plateaus with the logistics of a proud mogul trying to take care of his immediate family. I don't struggle much anymore, lady. I've already done everything I've needed to do in this fight business. I've already witnessed the unwated politics that come with being somehat anything, smartlyh everything worth seeing on a day to day basis. My thoughts are properly concise. My weapons are devices used to slice everything you decide to bring to the table.

I've done all of this before. The love. The gore. The channeling thoughts that make  you feel nervous days and days after you've seen who you're up against. I've been here and I don't think you have. And I would put money on you not ever standing in front of a GUEST OF HONOR. And acting as if you don't know you're going to get written all over the wall like bathrooms at concerts.

The flames are cool because I govern how fast you can go like modern vehicles. Everything you want has been in my back pack like my Ride snowboard. Priests bow when I walk into the synagogue. My stat sheet resembles everything you want to be. Your stat sheet remembles everything that has to do with owning cats. Eventually, you're going the smell and look like shit.

I grace an appearance. I am the thought in your psyche that makes you understand that you're not enough. I don't have to prove it to you unless provoked and this time, I have been. Have you not heard this before?

Everything I've said before doesn't apply hear because of said cause, but don't think for a second you are better than me. Again, I am the SHOGUN. Again, I am the one that makes everything move around here. They only show up to take me down like an open field tackle with the game on the line. I stand out like someone wearing a beanie at a wedding. I'm crucial to all that happens in Ultra Combat Sports. You're the laxidacial counterpart that I just have to deal with for now. You're not here because of me.. tournament or not. I am the future. I am the eclispe everone paid attention two roughly two weeks ago and I apologize for my indifference if I actually dont' know it happened.

Stabitha.. stop. Run the other way towards whatever that white boy's name is and Invader before thinking you could actually fuck with me. I'll put you in a bag like a retailer if the customer asks for it. I'll eat callamari and toss all your feelings and wants in the river without a second thought. I'm not them, and to me, you're already cooked. You're already on the menu that THE GUEST OF HONOR holds. You're a fairytale and I'm everywhere anyone has alwasy wanted to go. I don't think of the adventure as much as I used to, but you,  you, you seem to think what you contemplate about is something that should be on my plate like ginger at you no where. You figure out the analogy. YOU figure out the want of for me to be here without doing everything I can to chop all of you up. They hated me then and they still hate me now, but the man that is.... THE GUEST OF HONOR doesn't fold no matter how it goes. 

I'm the trip to the grocery store. You're the randome female that asks to help me bring things to my car that is already paid for. Know your place. Chase someone else, Stabitha. I don't even want to do you like this, but things have motives and they can all dislike me, but when I get that title which I think I am. I'll always heave a nice bag like we just went half on a bottle of Crown Royal. I'm the first seed and you're in the play in. She's that punk ass broad that always want to cause fights because she's insecure and I'm the lint roller in my car that helps me top off before I walk into any establishment. My words are weapons and I just guess you're seeing this right now.

You're welcome, Ultra Combat Sports. I make the dorks look cool and the people that didn't have confidence thinking about seppu. My immediate fear has never been losing, but its always been about losing to popoulations like you. The ones that think I can't suceed in the same competitive anamoly that I always have done and had the craft to do.

I show my belly out here because I know I'm safe, Stabitha. Don't come at me side ways because I am not your last opponent. I zone and kill everyone minus maybe at this point... let me think... one person in this game and trust me, we will have our match when the time comes. Collect your amibos, blitz the ones you think you can but I AM THE GUEST OF HONOR. The whole DREAM CATCHER and when I get ahold of you its over just like I am in Ultra Combat Sports.

The fans love me and push me because they know what real confrontations are supposed to look like. Mercy broke my whole nose and bit my whole finger, but do you know what lingers? MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

I put olive oil on their pimples. Chapstick on their lips when they are trying to connect with someone from whatever sex. I bring too much for any of you to despise me. Why would you? Because I do it better than most? From coast to coast, I've done the same things I'm not always proud of behind the scenes, but when it comes to this game we play -- I rule like Burger King.

I care about the quest this time. And I will prove to all of you in the staff, all of you on the roster and all of you who ever thought you were or are better than me. I don't mind an open challenge because I'm about to sweep all of this tourney like -- my bad, I'm not allowed to say all that.

Just don't think I don't have eyes of my own. I do. I promise you that I do. And at the same time I will crush all of you without a blemish. There is just one name. One name. I've already won the title as far as I've been concerned. Whatever.

Back to Stabitha.

hey love you, but I think its hella corny. I know and you know, you can't do a damn thing you want to do to me but lose like baby fathers with a felony on their record. My bad, it's about Stabitha. I don't know who you think is going to be incredilous to you, but that shit doesn't work over here like an iPhone charger when you have an Android. Good job last week, but let's be real. Let's just be real for a second. I'm going to eat you like fresh sushi on a coveyor belt. Sorry for the same reference.

Let's start over. Stabitha...

I move this thing like trying to end a task with a mouse click. Slick, yes. Ugly, never. 10 million dollars wouldn't make me to leave the opportunity to skull drag you like nobody has ever done.

I'm just better than you regardless of your somewhat innovative story that says POOR ME. I can already see the teams behind the scenes congregating to make sure I'm not the one. I don't care. You shouldn't either, but know that I understand that these same conglomerates that I speak of are the only legs you have to walk on. 

I don't want to be blunt, but the fade will always be better than anything you could possibly produce. I'm destined for this tourney. Destined for this title. I've done this many, many times before. I will always ignore the personalities that try too hard to be something they really aren't. Aren't you the storyteller, I mean, that's what they say? My motives are illustrious locomotives pushing through the bellies of the biggest of mountians. We are in two different leagues. The beat changes when its my turn. The microphones turn to homophobes when I speak my eulogy or sermon. Don't change now. Understand who's in front of you. I like syllables and always project the riducule to the ones that think they should never have it. This is the second draft because I had a fucked up fallacy that I've not seen before. 

Cut your head off and stare consistently at your pupils.

I'm not them. Never will be. I wish you heard the first tape because it would've put you in your place like chess peices before the game starts. You're a hassle. I AM THE GUEST OF HONOR.. so what exactly are you going to say to a man that's hungy? You're just going to lose. You're just going to try your best to grab the concrete? Honestly, I'm you about 12 years ago. Honestly, I'm about you 15 years ago, so what does that say to me? What does that actually admit to the council looking at our match now, Stabitha? Nobody kills me. Nobody does anything to me, but let me carry shit like groceries to the vehicle like most middle class families do. You're not my friend and will never be, but let me carry you through this match. Let me have a place in your career. You're not awful, you're just not ME.

You're not not SAITO GOH, the DREAMCATCHER. Already catching your dreams and spiking that bitch like NFL wide reiceiver. 

Now sit down and let the players play.

I can't see the size of your optimism becuase its microscopic. Germs. Nerds still win over here and always will like -- I will humble you.. Period. Once a month. Facts all day like math class. My attitude is ugly, but I have a body bag all day for facades like you becuase that's what I do. I will work the match and make you feel like you're going to do something nobody eles hase done, but realize you will eventually have loss in you eyelids when you wake up. I'm fully loaded and you're bringing a knife to a gunfight. I liked my first version better. Sorry. 

I'm clever and always on point like a scoreboard. A warlord with more clout than a Mongol cheif who's traversed the geography with a Joker smile on his face. I am the specific space that you cant walk through without thinking about that Chase credit card lump sum that you need to pay before the 31st. I am him. I am the kitten that doesn't eat it's food if they can see the bottom of the food bowl. I am a juggurnaunt. And just the that, but the one that screams for people like you to be in the ring with me, Stabitha. And you know why.

You'er the attention whore that wants all of the stabiltiy of a champion, but doesn't have what it takes to actually be one. You are the bile in the stomach of false idols that try to hustle their way to championships because they don't actually know how to do it. You are the reason I sit at the top of the podium and wait. Shiny shit gets shot. I don't trust you. I don't even think you'll do what you say you can. I think you're just a big ACT. And LAZY.

Fake is written all over you and I've been here before. Take me anywhere and I'm going to be me and people will feel it like a bad knee in their 40s. You're a Red Bull and a Sprite when I'm hungover. Cool story, bro. But you don't actually make me feel any better. I don't understand. I don't need another fake competitor, sis. Stabitha, talk to me and listen to this clear. 



I honestly wanted you to win on the first show because I knew you would be a clear win for me. The politicians wanted me to tell you a story, but I don't think I need to. Did I say that before? Have I caught you off guard yet? Have I put you on you heels like a reality TV star trying to be famous? Have I done anything that you thought? NOPE. I AM THE GUEST OF HONOR. I do what the fuck I want at all times and you need to understand that. I move with noise cancelling headphones on at all times, but when they come off... guess who was and who I was negotiated to pay attention to...


I eat blizzards and shit monsoons. I swallow hail and create masterpieces with the same thesis that is being putting you in knots. Thots no longer move me. I'm going to be on your head like shampoo -- Vidal Sasoon. The red carpet has already been laid out for me, Stabitha. My hands move the goal posts like a PC's mouse. They thought I was done, but my shit is inferno. STILL. 



And if you know what that means, cool. If you don't, you just don't. And I'm not going to explain it to you. Look around. Who's like me? NOBODY. I am the FUTURE of the chokehold that's been on everything you've seen. Word game crazy. In ring game crazy. What esle do you want? Mentioned earlier is/was what do I do in my spare time? I mind my fucking business.

And thenI CRASH OUT.


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